
UDK: 624.9.001.1:614.84+69.009.182
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 58 (2006) 6
Paper type: Professional paper
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A modern approach to proving fire resistance of structures

Boris Androić, Darko Dujmović, Ivica Džeba


Current practices and approaches to the protection of structures against fire hazard in Croatia are presented. Fire protection measures that are usually specified in detailed design documents are described. This description reveals that the current situation regarding application of foreign and national regulations and guidelines is quite disorderly. Principal Eurocode directives related to the fire protection issue are presented. An example is used to illustrate the way in which optimum analytical solutions can be found. The authors recommend urgent change of current practices regarding protection of structures against fire hazard.

protection against fire, standards, regulations, guidelines, structure, fire resistance of structures


Androić, B., Dujmović, D., Džeba, I.: A modern approach to proving fire resistance of structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (2006) 6


Androić, B., Dujmović, D., Džeba, I. (2006). A modern approach to proving fire resistance of structures, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (6)
Androic WEB
Boris Androić
I.A. projektiranje d.o.o., Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Engineering
DDujmovic 221112 WEB
Darko Dujmović
Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences
Džeba Ivica WEB
Ivica Džeba
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering