
UDK: 626.01001.5:532.57
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 59 (2007) 12
Paper type: Preliminary report
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Comparison of results obtained by physical and numerical in-plane flow models

Goran Lončar, Vladimir Andročec, Goran Gjetvaj


The comparison of calculated and measured field flow velocities at the flow steadying and sea discharge section, for the zone of the source cave and lake, is presented in the scope of design solution development for the Ombla hydropower plant. Velocity results obtained by physical model measurements and in-plane model analyses are compared. Two numerical models, based on the finite difference and volume methods, are used. Numerical results are compared with results obtained by physical model measurements.

Ombla HEPP, comparison of results, in-plane flow models, physical model, numerical model


Lončar, G., Andročec, V., Gjetvaj, G.: Comparison of results obtained by physical and numerical in-plane flow models, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (2007) 12


Lončar, G., Andročec, V., Gjetvaj, G. (2007). Comparison of results obtained by physical and numerical in-plane flow models, GRAĐEVINAR, 59 (12)
GLoncar WEB
Goran Lončar
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Vladimir Andročec
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
IMG Goran Gjetvaj WEB
Goran Gjetvaj
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering